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“You are the heroes! Thank you very much! You are role models! We believe in You!”

During the pandemic, we felt important to pay our respect to those ordinary heroes, who are pillars and solid ground of our country. Without them, this country would fall apart.

The project


Organizations supported so far




The project

Péter Séra, supporter of noÁr, offered 1,5 million Hungarian Forint for helping those organizations that didn’t get enough attention during the pandemic. Thanks to this aid, we guaranteed them about our financial support.

At first, we approached Kontúr Association, who were helping with the food distribution in Hős Street. (Please visit: “Toxikomák Kitchen” project.) They introduced us to KÖSZi (“Koronavírussal kapcsolatos Összefogás”), where volunteers are working to ease the COVID-19 related problems.

Thanks to KÖSZi’s web page, we were able to approach NGOs (non-profit org). At first, Áron Molnár called the selected NGO-leaders and He offered the donation for them. Consequently, there was an opportunity for them to present their operations in an interview and talk about how someone could join them in their future activities.

The purpose of the project is to create a platform for these NGOs in order for the public to get to know them. During the interviews Áron Molnár was focusing on the personal aspects of the foundation, on the leader’s own motivation. It’s also important to highlight that these interviews are forums for potential volunteers and for anybody who would like to join the NGOs or support them with donations.

We rely on one of our main strengths during the project. We use the spotlight to draw people’s attention to important missions. Our reach could be very useful to the organizations hence. Furthermore this is a key message to our followers as well, that these organizations’ histories and operations are worthwhile to be known.

There were many ways how the donations were used. There were some who donated further to other NGOs. Someone bought toys for children or started to reconstruct local playgrounds. Or simply their operation was a bit relieved, their webpage was updated, and so on. 

Organizations supported so far

Ablak a padra

Age of Hope Gyermekvédelmi Alapítvány

Civilizáció koalíció

Hintalovon Gyermekjogi Alapítvány

Kontúr Egyesület



Menetszél Egyesület

S.O.S. Gyermekfalvak