“I would like you to know that as you shout at me, my soul shouts too, but only your mouths move.”
Child abuse is one of our most sensitive topics. Our song’s title could be a solution though. 116-111 is the number of Blue Line Child-crisis Foundation (Kék Vonal Gyermekkrízis Alapítvány) that can be reached 24/7. The number can be dialed anonymously for the young people under 24 years or for the adults who call to defend children.
The mission
Áron Molnár showed the lyrics and piano cover of the song called “We are the Wind” to Árpád Kákonyi, our music director. Áron was determined to show the lyrics of the new song about child abuse. The base of the song was Joyner Lucas’ Revenge. Árpád really liked the melody and was interested to hear that the choir would be Judit Halász’s “We all have a song in our souls”. That was the point, when Árpád changed the melody from major to minor, hence this heartbreaking music was created. In the next few days, Áron organized a meeting with Judit Halász to obtain the copyrights. As they were talking, János Bródy called Judit, who explained the situation and János simply replied, “get on with it, work with him!” We would also like to thank Judit Walter, the teacher who led the children’s choir. The children had recorded their part at home, but there was a conference too, where Judit taught them the choir. Then János Mazura was the audio engineer, who gave the song its final version. Of course we don’t want to leave out Péter Kunert, who created the atmosphere of this song. Péter had a brilliant sense of how to approach this topic.
During the pandemic, the number of child abuse cases increased. The problem is that we know fairly little, where to turn to with them. So the noÁr movement took part in a project that lasted for 5-weeks, when we visited one of Budapest’s poorest areas, the residents and families of Hős Street. We had always wanted to write a song and raise the attention to the children, but after these experiences we felt that this topic is indeed very important to deal with.
We didn’t want to do the filming of the music video with people in it, because so many children could be impacted, regardless of their age, gender, race or financial background. This is why the first animated music video of noÁr came to life. The producers were the ReMarker team. They were working restlessly for one and a half months to reflect all those feelings and information that they collected during the making of the video. Kata Máthé and Dóra Matyus were responsible for the graphics, the storyboard and for the visual concept. Animation has been created by Réka Kassai and the video was ultimately edited by Jenő His.
Our resources
Akár háromszorosára is növelhette a családon belüli erőszak gyakoriságát a járvány – Bővebben
Ismerd fel, és tegyél ellene – Bővebben
A gyerekek a krízis csendes áldozatai lehetnek – Bővebben
Online predátorok, otthoni erőszak, szegénység… – Így hat a koronavírus-járvány a világ gyerekeire – Bővebben
Gyerekbántalmazás a négy fal között – Mit tehetsz, ha sejted, hallod, látod? – Bővebben
Kontúr Közhasznú Egyesület – Bővebben