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 “When I got admitted to the university? It was my happiest day!
And now it’s independence that you will take away!”

With our new video we make a stand for free education and we express solidarity with the students of the University of Theatre and Film Arts (aka SZFE)!

The Mission


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The mission

The student’s stand for the University of Theatre and Film Arts show their professionalism, courage and independence.
The Ministry for Innovation and Technology has appointed without any consultation a five-memberd Board of Trustees. The university could not delegate a single member.
Is this what democracy looks like? Is this how we preserve our traditions and protect professionalism?
Once the Board of Trustees has been appointed, it took all powers away from the Senate, and the chairman of the Board of Trustees compared the peacefully demonstrating students to terrorists. Anyone from the Government or the Ministry who claims that they were open to constructive dialogue before the decision is a liar.  Now, while kneeling on the neck of indepence the powers that be do not understand why there is no openness in the communication. Dialogue can only take place between equals. Decisions can only be made after lengthy consultations. These processes have not taken place, only the arrogance and aggressive expansion of their power has intensified.
The list of the student’s demands are crucial for the mission. These demands are non-negotiable,  they form the basis for a negotiation. You will find the list of demands in the section “Our resources”.
Generation “Vas” (the university is located on Vas street in Budapest) is an example of the progressive but peaceful resistance that should have been in place a long time ago in many areas of public life: in health care, in the nationalisation of the Education System and in the dismantling of science. Because it is not just voices against anything. The student’s blockade is conditioned by specific demands. Or rather, the lifting of their blockade is. Áron Molnár, the founder of noÁr, also attended this university, which is why he made a point of standing up for the independence of the university.

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If you also want to support the cause of SZFE:

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Az SZFE Hallgatói Önkormányzatának levele Dr. Palkovics László miniszternek és a szakmai szervezeteknek – kelt 2020. június 20. – Bővebben 

SZFE: Mi olyan sürgős? – A modellváltásról – Bővebben 

SZFE – adatok és tények (a valóság) 2020 – Bővebben 

„Minket nehezebb lecserélni, mint a tanárokat, vezetőket” – Interjú az SZFE HÖK-elnökével – Bővebben 

SZFE-s hallgatók: “Ott van a kés a nyakunkon” – Bővebben 

Vidnyánszky katonái elfoglalták a Színművészetit – Bővebben 

A kultúrharc szimbolikus diadalának indult, diáklázadás lett belőle – Bővebben 

“Nálunk zajlott ideológiai nevelés – nem az SZFE-n!” – Bővebben 

Garantált autonómiát az egyetemnek! – Az SzFE hallgatóinak hangja – Bővebben 

SZFE: Ki rántja előbb félre a kormányt, ez a kérdés – Bővebben