“You can punish the crime, not the situation!”
The situation of homeless people in the country is in complete chaos. Moreover, instead of finding a solution, politicians prefer to cover up the problem with a big blanket so that poverty is not visible. In this song we pull this blanket off and offer humane and systemic solutions.
The mission
“We were filming with the ladies downstairs and one of the women who had just arrived was asking us why we were abusing poor people and wanting to hurt them. We explained that we were fighting for people to treat those who had been stigmatised by a stupid law with humanity. I told the lady about noÁr and it turned out that she knew our song “Let’s get together”. She took my hand, squeezed it and said: stand up for us, because if you don’t, if you young people don’t stand up for us, who will? Nobody.” Áron Molnár, founder of the NoÁr Movement.
The concept of the music video was to ask everyone to describe what they wish from Santa.
Eva wrote: “May the government allow us to bow our heads in peace.”
Background: on Monday, 15 October 2018, a new law on offences came into force following the amendment of the Fundamental Law, which states that it is prohibited to live in public spaces. This decree has been issued by people who have never even been in a homeless shelter in their lives, who have not consulted social workers or the heads of institutions that help homeless people, who have not had a real conversation with experts, and who have simply made a terribly inhumane and ill-considered party political gesture. The propaganda media immediately pounced on this issue, or were told that the news and the front pages of the newspapers had to feature the new image of the enemy, who were none other than homeless people. The aim of the song, the music video and the mission is to restore the humanity of those who have been taken from them, and to raise awareness of the fantastic NGOs who are doing an amazing amount of work to make homeless people and those struggling with housing difficulties citizens of a more livable country.
The base of the song was again written by Péter Kunert, with incredible sensitivity.
This is the only song we have that has no chorus.
It is therefore a real letter to Santa Claus, with real requests.
Zoltán Aknai, the head of the Menhely Alapítvány, was a great help to us, who helped Domonkos Rónai, the cameraman of the clip, and Áron to be able to shoot in the shelters. We also had the help of the staff of the RÉS Social and Cultural Foundation‘s shelter for women homeless people, who let us in there as well.
Our resources
Az Utcajogász csapatának összeállítása jogi segítségnyújtás esetén – Bővebben
A Város Mindenkié csapatának gondolatai egy nappal a törvény meghozatala előtt – Bővebben
Az Utcáról Lakásba csapatának írásai és akciói, amelyek segítették a munkát – Bővebben
A 444 tematikus összefoglalója – Bővebben
Féltsük és ne féljünk a hajléktalan emberektől – Bővebben