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“I would pay too high a price to remain silent!”

noÁr has been openly politicizing since the beginning, i.e. it deals with public affairs. And our new case encourages all voters to take their part in politics, as democracy not only means freedom, but also gives us responsibilities.

The mission


Our resources


The mission

Dealing with politics and public affairs is not only an opportunity or a privilege, but also a responsibility and a duty. In a democratic country, we can find information, obtain diverse information from different platforms, and form our own opinion, which people living in many countries around the world do not have the opportunity to do. We, on the other hand, have and therefore have the duty to do all this and become an active civil society. To critically observe the decisions of the current authorities, to hold them accountable and shape our common future together. Participation in elections is our civic duty. Our message is not who to vote for, but why to go to vote, why to participate in the elections and why to participate in the counting of votes if we can. We feel it is our duty to demand and expect the vision, program and goals from the current government. Hatred and intimidation can never be the vision of a government running a country.

Our resources

Unhack Democracy – More

62 MEPs are concerned about the integrity of the elections in Hungary, they would send observer groups here – Hungarian article – More