“There’s a crisis, do you feel it?
Do you do something or are you just watching it?”
Climate change is an emergency, one of our most urgent problems. With this song, we wish to kick in the door. We would like to offer solutions in the “We are the Wind”.
The mission
In 2019 there was a Global Climate Strike, organized by the Fridays for Future. This event inspired us to write the song called “Air!” and to perform the consequent actions. There were three compartments for the speakers, amplification was powered by solar cell loudspeakers. The Strike made a lot of people rethink their views on climate change. Students and parents realized the individual responsibility, they were sharing ideas on how to put aside individual goals and step up as a community for a common, more liveable and sustainable future. It was clear to us after this event that we need to focus on this mission as intensely as the students asked for actions. The activists and members of Fridays for future and Greenpeace Hungary helped us to start the preparation. They recommended scientific articles on this topic, references and readings that you can also find in the sources. We wanted to create a video that was not nice. Our purpose was to kick in an old, bad and stubborn door that we can cross with our solutions and ideas. The only thing that we should do is to listen to those scientists, researchers, activists, students, who proposed their lives for our future.
Our resources
Nemnövekedés – Bővebben
Mi a legjobb, amit az átlagember tehet a klímaváltozás ellen – Bővebben
Egyetlen faj felelős a koronavírusért, az ember – Bővebben
Orbán bezöldülése – Bővebben
A természet koronája – Bővebben
The True Cost (magyar felirattal) – Bővebben
Amit játszunk, orosz rulett – hálózatkutató biológus vág rendet a klímavitában – Bővebben
Öt gyakorlat a tudatosabb gyerekekért – Bővebben
Közösségek menthetnek meg minket – Bővebben
Fenntartható energiagazdálkodás Közép és Kelet Európában – Bővebben